Мазун — Восточная Аравия (Mazun — Eastern Arabia)

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Путешествие по султанату Оман, который раньше называли Мазун, для изучения обычаев, культуры и традиции. Нескольких наиболее важных мест страны, интервью с местными персонажами, живущими совершенно разными жизнями. Исследование неизведанных уголков и очень характерных традиций страны.
Mazun, a name that was once used to refer to Oman, is a journey that places the unknown Sultanate of Oman on the map. With the Bedouins as our guiding thread, we explore the customs, culture, and traditions. A journey to understand its essence and showcase it to the world. Documenting several of the country’s most relevant places, getting to know and interviewing local characters with completely different lives. Exploring unknown corners for many and very characteristic traditions of the country. Learning from the past, understanding the present, and looking forward to the future.

With the documentary «Mazun — Eastern Arabia,» we aim to convey the vision and thoughts of the Omanis to the world. Connect with the essence of Oman and showcase its beauty.

Режиссер: Дэвид Коррочано (David Corrochano)